Upcoming Meetings

FARA meets the 1st Thursday of the month (except in July and August).  Some meetings may be hybrid, meaning on Zoom and in person, and will be held at the Framingham McAuliffe branch library.   All meetings will start at 7:00 pm.  Members will receive a zoom invitation. Area hams and those not yet licensed but interested in amateur radio are welcome to attend. Non-members may request an invitation by sending an email to John president@w1fy.org.

January 2, 2025. “Batteries for Portable Operations” video. “C5I Bijol islands dxpedition” video. We will also have a show and tell session.

February 6, 2025: Sumner Weisman, W1VIV, will talk on “Repair Your Radio Without Understanding Electronics?  Sometimes You Can!”

March 6, 2025: Charles Rousseau, W1ZOP,  will talk on “Air Force Mars Radio”

May 1, 2025:  Max Kendall, W0MXX,  will talk about “StratoScience: Amateur Radio and Youth Education to New Heights.”

Framingham Amateur Radio Association