Sunday Night Net

The FARA Sunday Night Net begins every Sunday at 7:30PM on the FARA 147.150 (+) MHz (100Hz PL) repeater. Echolink is now supported on the W1FY repeater.  The node is registered as W1FY-R.

All licensed hams are welcome to check in and participate in the “Ham question of the Week”.  

Any FARA members of General Class license or higher who would like to become a net control should contact Steve Hewlett N4NIV at  

FARA  Net Control Schedule for July 2024 –  December 2024

Net Control Operators

N4NIV                        7/21   8/11    9/15    10/13    11/10
KC1DMM                       —- 8/25    9/22    10/20    11/17
W1VIV          7/28   8/4      9/1       9/29     10/27   11/24
N1MH                          8/18   9/8      10/6     11/3      12/1


N4NIV           2/25   3/31    4/28     5/19    6/2
KC1DMM   2/11    3/10    4/14     5/5       6/9      6/30
W1VIV         2/18    3/17    4/7        5/12    6/23      7/7
N1MH           3/3       3/24    4/21     5/26    6/16   7/14



Framingham Amateur Radio Association